Every year our eighth grade students are given the opportunity to undergo TUPE training (Tobacco Use Prevention Education) led by Marcus Mitchinson, Coordinator from Siskiyou County Office of Education. The students who graduate from this training then teach younger students the dangers of tobacco and vape use. Once this instruction is complete, there is an art contest put on by the Tobacco Education Council. This year, there were over 100 submissions for our county and the winner chosen was our very own 7th grader, Nevaeh McCloud! Elizabeth Riggall, Health Education Specialist with Siskiyou County Office of Education, presented Nevaeh with gift cards to Mount Shasta Cinemas and the Velvet Elephant Art Center & Fair Trade Emporium. Great job, Nevaeh!

Congratulations, Nevaeh! 1st place winner of the 2024 Tobacco Education Art Contest!
June 14, 2024