Hello, DES Families!
Pi Night has been postponed. Our students and staff were very much looking forward to it. So, we're making every effort to make Friday's Spirit Assembly very special! All DES families are invited @ 10:00 o'clock to participate in our Pi Day activities in our gym. Every single student will receive a prize, there will be class spirit competitions, Pi activities, and of course, Pie for everyone!
See you Friday at 10:00!

Hello DES Families! Today's bus is running late. We have one bus delivering for both routes today. Your student may be a little late on today's delivery. Thank you for your patience!

If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please send Jas a text or leave her a message at 530-859-8858. We will place the food order based on the head count at 2:00 pm today.
Thank you!

Hi all Thursday is Pi Night! want to get a head count as to how many sweet pies and pizza pies we have to get. if you can call or text (530)859-8858 so I can finalize numbers by tomorrow by 2. Thank you!

Hey there, all you Wildcats!
Spirit week is next week, and there is a special Spirit Assembly on Friday at 10:00. Students are encouraged to participate all week, and classes have the opportunity to compete at the unique assembly to win the Spirit Stick for their class.
Let's go Wildcats!!

Hello, Wildcats Families!! The monthly calendar has been posted in all the usual places and sent home in backpacks. Printed copies are also available in the office.
We hope to see you participating on campus this month!

Sorry, ski/snowboard parents. They are about 20 mins.out. I wasn't up there and thought they got more snow.

Hi ski/snowboard families! The bus is being loaded, and a couple kids are still doing rental returns. The bus will be leaving shortly. With the weather they should be back in 45 mins to an hour. Cheers to another amazing outing!

Hello Wildcat ski/snowboard families! I've been a bit under the weather, so I apologize for the lack of information. If you haven't heard from me that means you are signed up. There are a couple families that I didn't reach out to because they haven't thus far attended. If you have any questions please reach out (530) 859-8858

Printed breakfast & lunch menus for the month of March are available in the office. Digital copies are in all the places such as the website, the app, email, and Facebook.
Have a wonderful & productive week!

Hi, Wildcat Families!
This is Harper and Jason, your student representatives. Thank you families, Rotary, and Student Council for taking such good care of us this week!
Next week on Wednesday our Ski and Snowboarding Program continues. Make sure your permission slips were turned in.
Have a Wacky Weekend!

Calling all DES families: Your students have been working hard and are excited to celebrate with you this morning.
Pancake breakfast @ 7:30 from Dunsmuir Rotary Club
Coffee & Cocoa @ 8:00 from our Parents Advisory Committee
Awards Assembly @ 8:30
Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash @ 10:00.
See you there!

Family Movie Night begins soon! The Dunsmuir Pizza Factory is delivering dinner at 5:00, and the movie will begin shortly after. Student Council has the popcorn machine running, and our students are very excited!
See you soon!

Hello DES families!
A special invitation went home today for a celebration this Friday - Dr. Seuss' Birthday Bash!
In case your student misplaced their flyer, attached here is digital copy.
Our staff, Student Council, and parent volunteers are working hard to make the morning memorable.
We hope to see you here!

🐾Look at those smiles!
These young students had a wonderful time learning through these science experiments with Extreme Science.

Hi there Wildcat families! Just another friendly reminder that we're doing family movie night this Thurs the 27th from 5-7. I've heard from quite a few parents! For those haven't responded the pizza order will be finalized tomorrow. if you'd like to come please call or text (530)859-8858

Dezi and Lucy couldn't stop giggling while they recorded the call home today. We hope you enjoy their message and invites as much as we did!
Monday - art
Wednesday - library
Thursday - ceramics
Every day - tutoring from 3:00-4:00
Thursday, 5:00-7:00 Family Movie Night. Check student backpacks for the flyer.
Friday - Dr. Seuss's Birthday Celebration
7:30 pancake breakfast for students and families provided by Dunsmuir Rotary
8:30 Awards Assembly
10:00 Dr. Seuss festivities begin🐾

Tomorrow is a regular school day, Friday 2/14/25.
No school two days next week, Monday & Tuesday 2/17/25 and 2/18/25.
See all you Wildcats tomorrow!

Dunsmuir families, are you ready for basketball? Our Dunsmuir Boys Team plays in the tournament tomorrow at noon. Games go all day. Our energetic cheer squad will be supporting them!
Our fully stocked concession will be open to our students at 2:45. Cash or Venmo are accepted. @DESSTUDENTCOUNCIL if you would like to preorder. Be specific in your description.
Also, basketball and cheer pictures will be taken before the tournament. Flyers will be sent home for ordering.
Next week. Monday and Tuesday, 2/17 and 2/18 school is closed. School resumes on Wednesday as normal.
Go Wildcats!

Dunsmuir Elementary staff and families,
Current road conditions are not safe for traveling. There will be no school today.
Please stay safe and warm!
Dunsmuir Elementary